Thursday, November 5, 2009

midweek update

Through Wednesday I went 16-8.  Only a couple surprise wins.  Detroit appears to own Orlando beating them at home without Prince and Maxiell.  Portland is still struggling to find their groove.  The Houston game was great last night.  In bitter sweet fashion, I was ecstatic when Ariza hit the game tying three.  I don’t have the NBA league pass so I was watching the game on a live stream.  As luck would have it, the stream cut out with a little over 2 minutes left in OT and I finished watching that game on ESPN’s gamecast.  Let me tell you, waiting for the text to load is a really lame way to watch the game.  As is it turn out, Ariza had the ball stolen from him in the closing of the game and the Lakers pulled one out in a nail biter.  Ariza had a rough shooting night going 5-21 and 2-7 from the three.  Add 9 boards and 5 assists and it seems he’s getting more comfortable being “the man”.  He was the only starter that came away with a positive +/-.  The Rockets are a gritty hard nosed team that will grind out wins and never let up.  Too bad their missing their big man and can’t trade T-mac.  So did Ariza outplay Artest?  Artest was more efficient from the field and made one more three but Ariza had more rebounds and assists.  Well, I’d say it was a push.  They play the same position but have really different games.  We’ll see how Ariza does in LA next week.

In tonight’s games, I still take the Cavs but as of late, I’m thinking I overestimated Utah at home.

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